
Frangipani - relatively easy to take care

Frangipani, suitable for tropical weather, can be planted under direct hot sun.  Easy to take care. I have 3 in my garden, they are of yellow, orange and red colours.

If you don't have time for gardening but you want some colours in your garden, I recommend Frangipani.

Little story to share with you that tells why I say Frangipani is an easy grow plant.

Two weeks ago, I saw my neighbour chopped down fews (about 5-6 ) branches of Frangipani from her already matured grown Frangipani plant. She then planted those branches in a roll in front of her house. Everyday I passed by her house, I observed these branches grow. First few days the leaves turned yellowish and a bit dropping, I guess it is partly due to transplanting shock and also lack of water intake as there are no roots (as they are planted directly after cut). I was thinking this is not going to work.

Surprisingly after a week, those cut branches have established, new leaves started to form. Now, after 2 months, those branches have turned into an individual plant and started flowering.

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